Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Yarn Wreath with a Twist {Tutorial}

At long last my wreath is done and hangs proudly on my front door! 
Not going to lie to you guys, I totally thought this was a project that I could whip up while the kids were napping one day. Boy was I wrong! At least I am optimistic! lol Being optimistic made me actually do the project. If I had known it was going to take so long, I may have put it off until Spring was over or even later!

Anyways, now onto the tutorial! I know there are a lot of different wreath tutorials out there, so I hope that mine doesn't get lost in crowd and provides something a little different.
First the finished image:

So that all of you get some inspiration... Now I am totally worried I scared you all off by saying it took me longer than I thought. It will be worth it, I promise! This project is super easy to do; even for all you people who think you are not crafty at all. {Which you are, you just don't know it}

Step 1 Gather Supplies

Here is the list of what you need for this project; pretty basic and easy to find supplies:

  • yarn or another media (such as fabric) you can find to wrap your wreath form {mine are from a thrift store}
  • a 17" Styrofoam wreath form, I found mine at Michael's, and afterwards I found one at a thrift store, so check there too!
  •  Silk Flowers for decoration, {I used a variety of sizes of Daisies} also found at Michael's
  • Glue Gun and Glue
  • Flower Centers, I love using Earrings, Buttons, Brooches or Beads again check your local thrift store before buying new

Step 2  Start Wrapping Yarn
 1. To prep yarn, make sure it is in a tightly wound ball, or else you may end up like I did and have to spend half your time untieing knots! {Sorry for the bad pictures! My camera isn't very fancy!}

2.When the glue gun is hot, make a thin strip of glue on the back of the wreath. Place an end of the yarn onto the hot glue and press down until yarn is secure.

3. Start wrapping the yarn then keep wrapping and wrapping and wrapping... somewhat like the energizer bunny! lol I found wrapping the yarn somewhat tedious as I bore easily, so I wrapped in all directions. I thought it would add some nice texture, which it did.

4. If you run out of yarn half way through wrapping {or if the yarn gets tangled enough you have to cut if and start again} simply repeat #3.Then keep going until your wreath is even and covered so you don't see any Styrofoam underneath.

5. Secure the last end of the yarn to the back of the wreath using your glue gun.

Step 3 The Fun Part
1. Now that the tedious work is over, the fun can begin! Pull out your silk flowers, peel them apart and re-glue them together, ending with your new center on top {I will have a tutorial on this soon too).

2. Now start playing with the way they look on your wreath until you get what you like. It took me 2 days to do this as I am super duper indecisive.

Here are 4 slightly different options I tried out.
3.Once you get a design settled, glue down the biggest flower first and glue out out from there.

You are Done! 

Hang your cute wreath on your door for all your neighbors to see and admire!

Happy Wreath Making!

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